Monday, May 9, 2011

When it's sunny, I wear holos!

Morning guys. Sorry I haven't gotten to your comments, but I will this afternoon. My weekend was just packed full of fun.

Oh, and update on Junior, the baby bunny, he has been set free. He was eating on his own no problem, and when my friend went to put food in his cage, he went to bite. So in her eyes, he was ready to start defending himself. So her and her husband took him to a field by our neighborhood, and set him free. YAY, I'm just thrilled she was able to save him, now it's up to him.

My little girl gave me the sweetest note/poem for Mothers Day, I'll def try and share it with you guys tomorrow. Hope you all had a great weekend too.

Now for my mani, I did this Friday night since it was going to be so nice on Saturday, and that's when I love to wear my holos.

I started with 2 coats of China Glaze OMG

Then using tape, I taped off the triangles and used China Glaze DV8. Eeek, so me uh-oh on my ring finger. I was rushing just a tad too much, and didn't realize the tape wasn't down 100% oh well.

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