Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Radiant LVXury

Press Sample

So I feel like a total jerk. I've had these polishes for a while. I got them right before I went into the ICU at the hospital, and actually I used them for a design right away that I never got to post because I DID go into the hospital. These polishes are fantastic! Along with the LVX topcoat, the manicure I did when I first got them lasted over THREE WEEKS. (I was extremely impressed, and with good reason!)

This nail art is a recreation of the nail art I had back when I first got them. I think Oyster is my favorite; it's a light grey that is so opaque that I could've probably gotten away with one coat, but did two to be on the safe side. I love how pigmented these polishes are, and I haven't found a grey yet that I don't love! (Especially if it's a creamy, delightful grey!!)

I'll be reviewing the polishes soon as well, but wanted to share this nail art with you!

I used:

Light Grey: LVX Oyster
Dark Grey: LVX Anthracite
Bright Pink: LVX Cerise

LVX polishes are available at for $16.00

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for review by the manufacturer. See the legal page disclosure for more information.

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