Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Daily Nail is Moving!

Yep, not the website, that will stay right here where you sit reading it now. Nope, ME, Melissa, the quirky nerd girl behind the nails.

I really wanted to explain why I've been sort of MIA right now on the blog, and this is why. I'm packing up my entire life and getting the hell outta dodge. This is no ordinary move, I'll be in a time zone and country far different than I'm used to. A country I've never been to, and I'm MOVING there! Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted and eager to start my new adventure (and yes, I TOTALLY plan to keep posting on the blog- the inspiration from where I'm going is going to be AMAZING!!), but I'm overwhelmed, terrified, worried, anxious, and well, scared shitless to go. I'm moving to India!  Yes, you read that right, I'll be moving to the country that is the home of Bollywood, curry, henna, and Ghandi! (not the state between Michigan and Illinois)

I'll be leaving somewhere in the neighborhood of October 20th! I can't wait to share my adventures in my new home with you, and hope for your patience while I get moved and settled! I'll be writing a blog that is specific to my Indian adventures when I get over there, and once I get it up and running, I'll be sure to post the address!!

If I have any readers in Chennai, let me know! I'd love to meet some people with like interests while I'm there!!

My presence will definitely be maintained while I'm there on twitter, Facebook, and the blog, just keep in mind that my AM will most likely be your PM!

Yay!!  I hope you all follow me in my newest life adventure!!

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