Thursday, January 19, 2012

The past few months!! and a NOTD from a crappy iPhone :(

First off HI YOU GUYS and HUGS to you all!

I would like to start off by thanking you all for everything. Your support, messages & emails have seriously touched my heart in more ways than you will ever know, and yes I did read each and every one of them! It really did help to know, that I am not completely alone, nor crazy in what I was going through. I am sorry to hear though, that many others have suffered with the same issues, and my heart goes out to you. Again, thank you all so much, I sure love you guys!

Okay, so I've made some HUGE, well in my eyes, steps, lol. For the first time in almost a year I was able to go into Wawa, a gas station, all by myself without panicking. It's amazing the little things that seem so easy to others, was so incredibly hard for me. After that, I even made it to the grocery store, lol. Hey, I'm making baby steps!

Well, last month, I became very sick with bronchitis, and after many days of refusing to call the dr., I had to give in. So while I was there, I spoke with him about my depression and anxiety again. Needless to say it turned into a little therapy session filled with tears and major sweating, sexy I know :) Oh and yes, Jack did take the day off so I didn't have to go alone :)  I've been on my new meds for a few weeks and I can already feel a big difference, YAY!

Another reason I know that I am getting better........ I've actually purchased nail polish, and I've even started trying to come up with new designs for you guys, whoo hoo!!! Bad news though, I have lost my camera, and it's cords, so I am planning a massive hunt this weekend.

I still wanted to share with you my mani I'm wearing today. I'm just in love with this polish. I wish I had better pics, but I had to use my phone, sorry :( It's SH Big Money. I love the gold glitter mixed with the light pink glitter!

Anyways, I just wanted to check in and let you know what's been going on. Please wish me luck on my camera hunt this weekend!!!!

PS and completely OT - If you have not watched The Big Bang Theory, it's a MUST!!! Jack and I are completely obsessed with it! Sorry, I know that was so random :) Hope you all are doing great!!


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