Sunday, July 22, 2012

Instant Gratification

I decided to something simple today- just a plain silver, satin-finish manicure. Im not sure how well it turned out- maybe this is why I do crazy nail art- I mean- look at's horrible. Bumpy, uneven, and I mean, look at those brushstrokes. UGH. 

HA! Just kidding. While today's design/technique didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, I still thought it was a fun enough idea to share. 

I dunno about you folks, but I can't resist a good instant lottery ticket—my weakness? BINGO or crossword scratch-offs. :-D (I feel like I'm getting more entertainment for my money) Since they don't have lottery in Nevada, and obviously not in India, I only get to buy them when I'm visiting my home in Michigan, and I totally have to set a limit for myself. :-D They say that lottery is a tax on the poor, but I don't really play with the expectation of winning, it's more like a slot machine handle pull or a hand of blackjack for me... purely entertainment. When I was reminded the other day on Pinterest of a tutorial I saw a few years back about making your own scratch-off tickets, I knew that I had to do a scratch-off manicure! :)  To make the scratch-off finish- all you need is 1 part dish soap and 2 parts silver (or any metallic) acrylic paint. 

Granted, this is kind of a single-use and VERY impractical manicure, but you know me....

I used:

Dark Grey: Nubar Stronghold
Topcoat:  Seche Vite

Scratch off 3 nail polish symbols and you're a winner!! 

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