Wednesday, July 11, 2012

NAIL ART REWIND — Bacon is Great!

Now that I'm closing in on finishing my 3rd year doing this blog, I've taken some time to look back on designs that made this blog what it is. Unfortunately, there were designs that:

• I loved, but took with a crappy camera, so I have a picture that probably would've been clearer if I took it with my iPhone.
• I loved the concept for, but the execution sucked.
• Were ok to begin with, but I think I can make them better now.
• My cuticles/nails were in HORRIBLE, embarrassing, disgusting shape.

I've decided to do a new feature where I choose designs from the past every once in a while- maybe every 2-3 weeks or so? Maybe each month? and redo them the way I think they should be done NOW!

For the first of this series, I of course chose Bacon is Great! Seriously, did I have any other option for the inaugural design?!

So here you go, the design that put this blog on the proverbial 'map' — Bacon!

I used:

White: American Apparel Cotton
Red: A mix of-
               China Glaze Hey Sailor
               American Apparel Manila
               American Apparel Pinto
               Barielle Coco Bar
Pink: A mix of-
               American Apparel California Trooper
               China Glaze Hey Sailor
               American Apparel Manila
Topcoat: Seche Vite

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