Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Have a Zaptastic Day!

Nothing to Disclose

OK friends. I normally wouldn't do this, but this competition is SUPER important to my team and I, and the prize is amazing. (and one of the judging criteria is page views and interaction!)

At my job (Zappos.com), there is currently an internal contest going on to kind of explain the Zappos culture and strategy. Part of this competition is to create a video that represents that information in a fun and unique way. My team chose to do a time lapse video of me drawing images that represent the ideas we're talking about.

Trust me- not as boring as it sounds!! lol  Plus- you get to see some nail art that I created in the spirit of Zappos!

My team and I would love if you would watch the following video, give it a thumbs up, and if you have the time, leave a comment! It would make our day!

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