Sunday, June 28, 2015

Scrub-a-Dub-Dub! Simple Sugars Vanilla Grapefruit Review

Last year at Cosmoprof I had the pleasure of meeting Lani Lazzari, the creator and founder of Simple Sugars homemade sugar scrub. Lani created Simple Sugars in 2005 when she was only 15 years old,

Sunday, June 21, 2015

I'm TRY-angling!

Press Sample

A few weeks ago, my sister was taking a road trip across the US with her boyfriend, hitting all the hot fishing spots between Michigan and the west coast. One of her stops was in St. George, UT, only 1.5 hours from me, so we met up for a hiking adventure with our hounds! Amongst the camping supplies, dog food, flyrods, and other miscellaneous stuff taking over the back of her Jeep was a couple of Nubar collections that she neglected to inform me that I had received (tsk, tsk!). However, it was like Christmas for me! (literally - she brought the Christmas collection! lol)

Monday, June 15, 2015

Zoya Summer 2015 - Island Fun Swatches & Review

Press Sample 

Dear Zoya, 

I love this collection. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Morgan Taylor Ooh La La! Collection Swatches & Review

Press Sample

Morgan Taylor Ooh La La Swatches and Review

This new Ooh La La! collection from Morgan Taylor screams spring in Paris to me. I feel like they

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Island Floral Fun

 Press Sample

Zoya Island Fun nail art
The other day a great thing happened–I had a package on my doorstep! I mean everyone loves mail,

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Radiant LVXury

Press Sample

So I feel like a total jerk. I've had these polishes for a while. I got them right before I went into the ICU at the hospital, and actually I used them for a design right away that I never got to post because I DID go into the hospital. These polishes are fantastic! Along with the LVX topcoat, the manicure I did when I first got them lasted over THREE WEEKS. (I was extremely impressed, and with good reason!)

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Turn on the Water(color)works!

Nothing to DisclosePress Sample

I love finding inspiration in clothing and fabric patterns. I love their repetitive nature, and they often lend themselves well to nail art. :) A while back, they had a sale at work, and I bought this dress with the most beautiful design on the hem of the dress. Not only was the dress only $5, but I had nail inspiration too?! Total twofer! To get the watercolor effect, I painted the shape I wanted, and then while it was still wet, I dabbed it with a q-tip that was soaked in acetone. I'm super excited that the design turned out pretty much exactly how it looked in my head! :)

What's your favorite go-to for nail inspiration? Tell me in the comments below! :)

The actual dress I bought is no longer in stock, but here is a picture of it. It's the StyleStalker Aura dress in Lilac: 

I used:

Various shades of purples/blues: 

Disclosure: Some products in this post were provided for review by the manufacturer. Most were purchased by me. See the legal page disclosure for more information